Source code for SwarmFACE.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import signal
from viresclient import SwarmRequest

[docs]def normvec(v): ''' Return array of unit vectors Parameters ---------- v : numpy.array vectors Returns ------- numpy.array of unit vectors ''' return np.divide(v,np.linalg.norm(v,axis=-1).reshape(-1,1))
[docs]def rotvecax(v, ax, ang): ''' Rotates vector v by angle ang around a normal vector ax. Uses Rodrigues' formula when v is normal to ax Parameters ---------- v : numpy.array vector(s) ax : numpy.array normal vector(s) ang : numpy.array angle(s) Returns ------- vector or array of vectors ''' sa, ca = np.sin(np.deg2rad(ang)), np.cos(np.deg2rad(ang)) return v*ca[...,np.newaxis] + np.cross(ax, v)*sa[...,np.newaxis]
[docs]def sign_ang(V, N, R): ''' Return the signed angle between vectors V and N, perpendicular to R; positive sign corresponds to right hand rule along R Parameters --------- V, N, R : numpy.array vectors Return ------ angle(s) ''' VxN = np.cross(V, N) pm = np.sign(np.sum(R*VxN, axis=-1)) return np.degrees(np.arcsin(pm*np.linalg.norm(VxN, axis=-1)))
[docs]def sign_dang(ang2, ang1): ''' Return the difference between two angles in [-180, 180] deg. interval Parameters --------- ang1, ang2 : numpy.array angles in degrees Return ------ numpy.array of angles ''' a = ang2-ang1 return (a + 180) % 360 - 180
[docs]def R_in_GEOC(Rsph): ''' Returns Swarm position in cartesian GEO frame and the rotation matrix from NEC to GEO Parameters --------- Rsph : numpy.array satellite position in spherical GEO frame Return ------ R : numpy.array satellite position in cartesian GEO frame : numpy.array array of rotation matrices from NEC to GEO ''' latsc = np.deg2rad(Rsph[:,0]) lonsc = np.deg2rad(Rsph[:,1]) radsc = 0.001*Rsph[:,2] # prepares conversion to global cartesian frame clt,slt = np.cos(latsc.flat),np.sin(latsc.flat) cln,sln = np.cos(lonsc.flat),np.sin(lonsc.flat) north = np.stack((-slt*cln,-slt*sln,clt),axis=-1) east = np.stack((-sln,cln,np.zeros(cln.shape)),axis=-1) center = np.stack((-clt*cln,-clt*sln,-slt),axis=-1) # stores cartesian position vectors in position data matrix R R = -radsc[...,None]*center return R, np.stack((north,east,center),axis=-1)
[docs]def get_db_data(sats, tbeg, tend, Bmodel, frame = 'GEOC'): ''' Return Swarm magnetic perturbation in a DataFrame structure Parameters ---------- sats : str or list of str satellites tbeg, tend : datetime-like start and stop times Bmodel : string magnetic field model used to compute the magnetic field perturbations (currently CHAOS) frame : string reference frame for the output, i.e. 'GEOC' for GEO frame or None for NEC frame Returns ------- dB : DataFrame Swarm magnetic field perturbation data ''' dti = pd.date_range(start = tbeg.round('s'), end = tend.round('s'), freq='s', closed='left') ndti = len(dti) nsc = len(sats) Rsph, R, Bnec, Bgeo, Bmod, dBnec, dBgeo = (np.full((ndti,nsc,3),np.nan) for i in range(7)) request = SwarmRequest() for sc in range(nsc): request.set_collection("SW_OPER_MAG"+sats[sc]+"_LR_1B") request.set_products(measurements=["B_NEC"], models=[Bmodel], residuals=False, sampling_step="PT1S") data = request.get_between(start_time = tbeg, end_time = tend, asynchronous=False) print('Used MAG L1B file: ', data.sources[1]) dat = data.as_dataframe() dsi = dat.reindex(index=dti, method='nearest') # store magnetic field perturbation in a data matrices Bnec[:,sc,:] = np.stack(dsi['B_NEC'].values, axis=0) Bmod[:,sc,:] = np.stack(dat['B_NEC_CHAOS-all'].values, axis=0) dBnec[:,sc,:] = Bnec[:,sc,:] - Bmod[:,sc,:] Rsph[:,sc,:] = dsi[['Latitude','Longitude','Radius']].values coldBnec = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['dBnec'],sats,['N','E','C']], names=['Var','Sat','Com']) dB = pd.DataFrame(dBnec.reshape(-1,nsc*3), columns=coldBnec,index=dti) if frame == 'GEOC': for sc in range(nsc): R[:,sc,:], MATnec2geo_sc = R_in_GEOC(np.squeeze(Rsph[:,sc,:])) Bgeo[:,sc,:] = \ np.matmul(MATnec2geo_sc,np.squeeze(Bnec[:,sc,:])[...,None]).reshape(-1,3) dBgeo[:,sc,:] = \ np.matmul(MATnec2geo_sc,np.squeeze(dBnec[:,sc,:])[...,None]).reshape(-1,3) coldBgeo = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['dBgeo'],sats,['X','Y','Z']], names=['Var','Sat','Com']) dB = pd.DataFrame(dBgeo.reshape(-1,nsc*3), columns=coldBgeo,index=dti) return dB
[docs]def GapsAsNaN(df_ini, ind_gaps): ''' Given a DataFrame object, replace with NaN the magnetic field data and model for certain location Parameters ---------- df_ini : DataFrame containes columns with magetic field data and model ing_gaps : numpy.array integer-location based indexing Returns ------- df_out : DataFrame new object with NaN : index index values at replaced location ''' df_out = df_ini.copy() df_out['B_NEC'].iloc[ind_gaps] = [np.full(3,np.nan)]*len(ind_gaps) df_out['B_NEC_CHAOS-all'].iloc[ind_gaps] = [np.full(3,np.nan)]*len(ind_gaps) return df_out, df_ini.index[ind_gaps]
[docs]def res_param(res): ''' Return sampling step and sampling frequency acording to Swarm magnetic data resolution Parameters -------- res : string 'HR' or 'LR' Returns ------- sampling step (string) and sampling frequency (int) ''' sstep = 'PT1S' if res=='LR' else 'PT0.019S' # sampling step fs = 1 if res=='LR' else 50 # data sampling freq. return sstep, fs
[docs]def find_tshift2sat(dti, Rsph, sats): ''' Compute orbital phase lag [in sec.] between two satellites Parameters --------- dti : Datetimeindex One second separated timestamps Rshp : numpy.array satellites position in spherical GEO frame sats : [str, str] satellite pair, e.g. [ā€˜Aā€™, ā€˜Cā€™] Returns ------ tshift : [float, float] optimal time shift in sec. to aligned the two sensors side by side ''' ndti, nsc = len(dti), len(sats) i1, i2 = 0, np.min([ndti-2, 1300]) # indices used to select an orbit # section (smaller that 1/4 orbit) deltat = (dti[i2] - dti[i1]).seconds # duration of selected orbit section Rspheci = np.copy(Rsph) # will containe sats spherical # coordinates in inertial frame Reci = np.full((ndti,nsc,3),np.nan) # will containe sats cartesian # coordinates in inertial frame # Spherical cordinates in the inertial frame are obtained from spherical # coordinates in GEO by compensating the longitude wit Earth rotation. Then # the cartesian coordinates in the inertial frame are found. The orbits' normals # 'neci' are found as the cross product of satellite positions at the start # and stop of selected orbit section. The cross-product 'crossorb' of # orbits' normal provides the direction of orbitat cross-point. Vector # positions 'peci' of satellites at pseudo-equators (0 deg. latitude when # considering the cross-point as pole) are computed. The evolution in time # of the (signed) position angles in the plane peci, crossorb are considered # when computing the time shift neci, peci = (np.full((nsc,3),np.nan) for i in range(2)) # orbit normals and theta, omega, tmean = (np.full(nsc,np.nan) for i in range(3)) cosrun, sinrun, latrun = (np.full((nsc, i2-i1),np.nan) for i in range(3)) for sc in range(nsc): Rspheci[:,sc,1] = (Rsph[:,sc,1] + np.arange(ndti)*360/(86164.098) +180)%360 -180 Reci[:,sc,:], MATnec2eci_sc = R_in_GEOC(np.squeeze(Rspheci[:,sc,:])) neci[sc,:] = normvec(np.cross(Reci[i1,sc,:],Reci[i2,sc,:]))[0] theta[sc] = np.arccos(np.sum(normvec(Reci[i1,sc,:])*normvec(Reci[i2,sc,:]))) omega[sc] = theta[sc]/deltat isclow = 0 if ((sats[0] == 'A') or (sats[0] == 'C')) else 1 avelat = np.mean(Rspheci[i1:i2,isclow,0]) vtmp = normvec(np.cross(neci[0,:],neci[1,:]))[0] crossorb = vtmp if vtmp[2]*avelat >0 else -vtmp # cross-orbit unit vector for sc in range(nsc): peci[sc,:] = normvec(np.cross(crossorb, neci[sc,:]))[0] for ii in range(i1, i2): cosrun[sc,ii] = np.sum(normvec(Reci[ii,sc,:])*peci[sc,:]) sinrun[sc,ii] = np.sum(normvec(Reci[ii,sc,:])*crossorb[:]) latrun[sc,:] = np.arctan2(sinrun[sc,:], cosrun[sc,:]) tmean[sc] = np.mean(latrun[sc,:] - np.pi/2)/omega[sc] tshift = [int(round(tmean[1] - tmean[0],0)), 0] angsep = np.arccos(np.sum(peci[0,:]*peci[1,:]))*180./np.pi print('Angle between orbital planes [deg] = ', np.round(angsep,3)) print('Computed time shift array [2] = ', tshift) return tshift
[docs]def split_into_sections(df, begend_arr): ''' Splits the original DataFrame object df in more DataFrame objects according to time moments from begend_arr array. Parameters --------- df : DataFrame time indexed DataFrame object begend_arr : list time moments Returns list of DataFrame objects ''' secorbs = [] for start, end in zip(begend_arr[0:-1], begend_arr[1:]): secorb = df[start:end] secorbs.append(secorb) return secorbs
[docs]def find_ao_margins(df, fac_qnt = 'FAC_flt_sup', rez_qd = 100): ''' Estimate the times of auroral oval (AO) encounter (central point and edges) for a quarte-orbit section. Works with quasi-dipole latitude QDLat (not time) dependence. Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame Swarm data for a quarter-orbit section, including FAC data fac_qnt : string name of the column with FAC data to work with rez_qd : resolution to interpolate the QDLat Returns ------- t64[0], t64[1], t64[2] : datetime-like AO start, stop, and central time : float, float QDLat and QDLon of AO center qd_trend, qd_sign : float trend and sign of QDLat in the analysed quarte-orbit section ti_arr, qd_arr : numpy.array interpolated times and corresponding QDLat values ''' qd = df['QDLat'].values qdlon = df['QDLon'].values jb = df[fac_qnt].values ti = df['QDLat'].index.values.astype(float) qd_trend = (qd[-1] - qd[0])/abs(qd[-1] - qd[0]) # >0 if QDLat inreases qd_sign = qd[0]/abs(qd[0]) dqmin = np.round(np.amin(qd), decimals = 2) dqmax = np.round(np.amax(qd), decimals = 2) nr = round((dqmax - dqmin)*rez_qd + 1) qd_arr = np.linspace(dqmin, dqmax, nr) # new QDLat array if qd_trend > 0: ti_arr = np.interp(qd_arr, qd, ti) # time of new QD points jb_arr = np.interp(qd_arr, qd, jb) # FAC at new QD points else: ti_arr = np.interp(qd_arr, qd[::-1], ti[::-1])[::-1] jb_arr = np.interp(qd_arr, qd[::-1], jb[::-1])[::-1] qd_arr = qd_arr[::-1] if np.sum(np.abs(jb_arr)) > 0: jabs_csum = np.cumsum(np.abs(jb_arr))/np.sum(np.abs(jb_arr)) idx_j1q = (np.abs(jabs_csum - 0.25)).argmin() idx_j2q = (np.abs(jabs_csum - 0.5)).argmin() idx_j3q = (np.abs(jabs_csum - 0.75)).argmin() idx_beg = np.max(np.array([0, idx_j1q - abs(idx_j3q - idx_j1q)])) idx_end = np.min(np.array([idx_j3q + abs(idx_j3q - idx_j1q), nr-1])) idx_ti_ao = (np.abs(ti - ti_arr[idx_j2q])).argmin() t64 = pd.DatetimeIndex(ti_arr[[idx_beg, idx_end, idx_j2q]]) return t64[0], t64[1], t64[2], qd_arr[idx_j2q], qdlon[idx_ti_ao], \ qd_trend, qd_sign, ti_arr, qd_arr else: return pd.NaT, pd.NaT, pd.NaT, np.nan, np.nan, \ qd_trend, qd_sign, ti_arr, qd_arr
[docs]def mva(v, cdir = None): ''' Return results of Minimum Variance Analysis on an array of 3D vector v. If cdir (3D vector) is provided, the analysis is performed in the plane perpendiculat to it Parameters ---------- v : numpy.array 3D vectors cdir : numpy.array direction to constrain MVA Returns ------- array with eigenvalues and eigenvectors from MVA ''' v_cov = np.cov(v, rowvar=False, bias=True) if cdir is not None: ccol = cdir.reshape(3,1) cunit = ccol / np.linalg.norm(ccol) d_mat = (np.identity(3) -,cunit.T)) v_cov = np.matmul(np.matmul(d_mat, v_cov), d_mat) return np.linalg.eigh(v_cov)
[docs]def SortVertices(R4s, dB4s): ''' Sort the quad's vertices in correct order; compute quad's parameters and the trace of the BI and LS reciprocal tensors. Parameters ---------- R4s : numpy.array position vectors of the apexes in format [index, apex, comp] dB4s : numpy.array magnetic perturbation vectors at the apexes in format [index, apex, comp] Returns ------- R4sa, dB4sa : numpy.arrays position and magnetic perturbation vectors sorted in correct order trBI : numpy.array trace of the reciprocal tensor in LS method Rmeso : numpy.array position of the mesocenter nuvec : numpy.array normal to the quad satsort : numpy.array satellite indeces in the correct order trLS : numpy.array trace of the reciprocal tensor in LS method EL, EM, el, em : numpy.arrays parameters of the four-point configuration ''' Rmeso = np.mean(R4s, axis=-2) R4smc = R4s - Rmeso[:, np.newaxis, :] Rtens = np.sum(np.matmul(R4smc[:,:,:,None],R4smc[:,:,None, :]), axis = -3) eigval, eigvec = np.linalg.eigh(Rtens) # avoid eigenvectors flipping direction # for that, impose N to be closer to radial direction nprov = np.squeeze(eigvec[:,:,0]) # provisional normal cosRN = np.squeeze(np.matmul(Rmeso[...,None,:],nprov[...,:,None])) iposr = cosRN < 0 eigvec[iposr,:,:] = -eigvec[iposr,:,:] # minimum variance direction is along normal N nuvec = np.squeeze(eigvec[:,:,0]) # find the rotation metrix from GEO to local proper frame Vcen = (R4s[:,2:,:] - R4s[:,0:2,:]).mean(axis=-2) yperp = np.cross(nuvec, Vcen) yunit = yperp/np.linalg.norm(yperp, axis=-1)[...,None] xperp = np.cross(yunit, nuvec) xunit = xperp/np.linalg.norm(xperp, axis=-1)[...,None] mgeo2pro = np.stack((xunit, yunit, nuvec), axis=-2) R4p, R4sa, dB4sa = (np.full_like(R4smc, np.nan) for i in range(3)) # transform the sats positions in a local proper frame for jj in range(4): Rjj = R4smc[:,jj,:] R4p[:,jj,:] = np.matmul(mgeo2pro, Rjj[...,None]).reshape(Rjj.shape) # indexes to order the sats according to their position in the local proper # frame. New [0,1,2,3] indexes will correspond to quadrants Q3, Q4, Q1, and Q2 satsort = np.argsort(np.arctan2(R4p[:,:,1], R4p[:,:,0]), axis=- 1) for jj in range(3): R4sa[:,:,jj] = np.take_along_axis(R4s[:,:,jj], satsort, -1) dB4sa[:,:,jj] = np.take_along_axis(dB4s[:,:,jj], satsort, -1) R4p[:,:,jj] = np.take_along_axis(R4p[:,:,jj], satsort, -1) # computes quad's parameters EL = 0.5*np.abs(np.mean(R4p[:, 0:2, 1], axis = -1)) + \ 0.5*np.abs(np.mean(R4p[:, 2:, 1], axis = -1)) EM = 0.25*np.abs(R4p[:, 1, 0] - R4p[:, 0, 0]) + \ 0.25*np.abs(R4p[:, 2, 0] - R4p[:, 3, 0]) el = 0.5*np.abs(np.mean(R4p[:, 0:2, 0], axis = -1)) + \ 0.5*np.abs(np.mean(R4p[:, 2:, 0], axis = -1)) em = 0.25*np.abs(R4p[:, 1, 1] - R4p[:, 0, 1]) + \ 0.25*np.abs(R4p[:, 2, 1] - R4p[:, 3, 1]) # computes the trace of the BI and LS reciprocal tensors D = 16*((EL*EM)**2 + (EM*em)**2 + (el*em)**2) trLS = 4/D*(EM**2 + el**2 + EL**2 + em**2) trBI = 0.25/((EL*EM)**2)*(EM**2 + EL**2 + el**2) return R4sa, dB4sa, trBI, Rmeso, nuvec, satsort, trLS, EL, EM, el, em