Source code for SwarmFACE.j3sat

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from viresclient import SwarmRequest
from .fac import *
from .utils import *
from SwarmFACE.plot_save.three_sat import *

[docs]def j3sat(dtime_beg, dtime_end, tshift=[0,0,0], use_filter=True, er_db=0.5, angTHR = 30.,savedata=True, saveplot=True): ''' High-level routine to estimate the FAC density with three-satellite method Parameters ---------- dtime_beg : str start time in ISO format 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss' dtime_end : str end time in ISO format tshift : [float, float, float] array of time shifts (in seconds) to be introduced in satellite data in order to achieve a more favorable configuration use_filter : boolean 'True' for data filtering er_db : float error in magnetic field measurements angTHR : float minimum accepted angle between the magnetic field vector and the spacecraft plane savedata : boolean 'True' for saving the results in an ASCII file saveplot : boolean 'True' for plotting the results Returns ------- j_df : DataFrame results input_df : DataFrame input data param : dict parameters used in the analysis ''' sats=['A','B','C'] Bmodel="CHAOS-all='CHAOS-Core'+'CHAOS-Static'+'CHAOS-MMA-Primary'+'CHAOS-MMA-Secondary'" dti = pd.date_range(start = dtime_beg, end = dtime_end, freq='s', closed='left') ndti = len(dti) nsc = len(sats) timebads={'sc0':None,'sc1':None,'sc2':None} ts = np.around(np.array(tshift) - min(tshift)) tsh3s = np.around(np.mean(ts), decimals=3) ndt = ndti - max(ts) dt = dti[:ndt].shift(1000.*tsh3s,freq='ms') # new data timeline Rsph, QDref, Bsw, Bmod, dBnec, R, B, dB = (np.full((ndt,nsc,3),np.nan) for i in range(8)) request = SwarmRequest() for sc in range(nsc): request.set_collection("SW_OPER_MAG"+sats[sc]+"_LR_1B") request.set_products(measurements=["B_NEC"], models=[Bmodel], auxiliaries=['QDLat','QDLon','MLT'], sampling_step="PT1S") data = request.get_between(start_time = dtime_beg, end_time = dtime_end, asynchronous=True) print('Used MAG L1B file: ', data.sources[1]) dat_df = data.as_dataframe() # checks for missing and bad data points # sets bad B_NEC data (zero magnitude in L1b LR files) to NaN. if len(dat_df) != ndti: print('MISSING DATA FOR Sw'+sats[sc]) sys.exit() ind_badsi = np.where(np.linalg.norm(np.stack(dat_df['B_NEC'].values), \ axis = 1)==0)[0] if len(ind_badsi): dat_df, tbadsi = GapsAsNaN(dat_df, ind_badsi) print('NR. OF BAD DATA POINTS FOR Sw'+sats[sc]+': ', len(ind_badsi)) timebads['sc'+str(sc)] = tbadsi print(tbadsi.values) print('DATA FILTERING MIGHT NOT WORK PROPERLY') # Stores position, magnetic field and magnetic model vectors in arrays # Takes care of the optional time-shifts introduced between the sensors Rsph[:,sc,:] = dat_df[['Latitude','Longitude','Radius']].iloc[ts[sc]:ts[sc]+ndt].values QDref[:,sc,:] = dat_df[['QDLat','QDLon','MLT']].iloc[ts[sc]:ts[sc]+ndt].values Bsw[:,sc,:] = np.stack(dat_df['B_NEC'].iloc[ts[sc]:ts[sc]+ndt].values, axis=0) Bmod[:,sc,:] = np.stack(dat_df['B_NEC_CHAOS-all'].iloc[ts[sc]:ts[sc]+ndt].values, axis=0) # Computes magnetic field perturbation in NEC dBnec[:,sc,:] = Bsw[:,sc,:] - Bmod[:,sc,:] # Computes sats positions (R), magnetic measurements (B), and magnetic # perturbations (dB) in the global geographic (Cartesian) frame. R[:,sc,:], MATnec2geo_sc = R_in_GEOC(np.squeeze(Rsph[:,sc,:])) B[:,sc,:] = np.matmul(MATnec2geo_sc,np.squeeze(Bsw[:,sc,:])[...,None]).reshape(-1,3) dB[:,sc,:] = np.matmul(MATnec2geo_sc,np.squeeze(dBnec[:,sc,:])[...,None]).reshape(-1,3) # collect all input data in a single DataFrame colRsph = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['Rsph'],sats,['Lat','Lon','Radius']], names=['Var','Sat','Com']) dfRsph = pd.DataFrame(Rsph.reshape(-1,nsc*3),columns=colRsph,index=dt) colQDref = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['QDref'],sats,['QDLat','QDLon','MLT']], names=['Vac','Sat','Com']) dfQDref = pd.DataFrame(QDref.reshape(-1,nsc*3),columns=colQDref,index=dt) colBswBmod = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['Bsw','Bmod'],sats,['N','E','C']], names=['Var','Sat','Com']) dfBswBmod = pd.DataFrame(np.concatenate((Bsw.reshape(-1,nsc*3), Bmod.reshape(-1,nsc*3)),axis=1), columns=colBswBmod,index=dt) coldBgeo = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['dBgeo'],sats,['X','Y','Z']], names=['Var','Sat','Com']) dfdBgeo = pd.DataFrame(dB.reshape(-1,nsc*3),columns=coldBgeo,index=dt) colRgeo = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['Rgeo'],sats,['X','Y','Z']], names=['Var','Sat','Com']) dfRgeo = pd.DataFrame(R.reshape(-1,nsc*3),columns=colRgeo,index=dt) input_df = pd.concat([dfRsph, dfQDref, dfBswBmod, dfdBgeo, dfRgeo], axis=1) j_df = threeJfac(dt, R, B, dB, er_db=er_db, angTHR=angTHR, use_filter=use_filter) param = {'dtime_beg':dtime_beg,'dtime_end':dtime_end,'sats': sats, \ 'tshift':ts, 'angTHR': angTHR, 'Bmodel':Bmodel, \ 'use_filter':use_filter, 'timebads':timebads} if savedata: save_three_sat(j_df, param) if saveplot: plot_three_sat(j_df, input_df, param) return j_df, input_df, param